Espago - download section

Payment page images image

link Requirements

Below you can find sample graphics with credit card issuer logos (one of Elavon’s requirements is the visibility of payment card issuer logos). Card acceptance symbols should be used in accordance with the recommendations of the card organizations to which the symbols belong.

link Card acceptance marks

link 3D Secure marks

link Combined logos

Resources for developers code

link List of requirements

The list of requirements concerning the contents of the Merchant’s page, on which the card payments will be accessible.
The requirements are based upon the Merchant contract with Elavon:

PL: Weryfikacja_zawartosci_witryny_przez_Elavon_2014.pdf
EN: Verification_of_webpage_content_by_Elavon_2014.pdf

link Issuer response codes

A simple Ruby gem which provides Issuer Response Code descriptions and suggestions for cardholders and merchants.

IssuerResponseCodes Gem

YAML files containing issuer response codes descriptions and suggestions in multiple languages

Rejection codes from banks (“issuer_response_code” parameter) with descriptions for clients in Polish, English and French in the SQL format.

Translation: espago_issuer_response_codes.sql

Rejection codes in PL and EN are the only ones which are complete. In other languages, we support the most common codes, therefore we suggest preparing your app to display those in default languages (EN or PL).

Numeration with the “id” field is only for aesthetic reasons, and may change in the future.

link Libraries


Espago gem - API wrapper
Example of gem’s integration -

Espago.js - example of an implementation of a form using Espago JS to create and receive a Card or CVV Token.

link Espago Terminals

Here you can find browser extensions for Espago Terminals purposes.



link 3D-Secure status codes

3D-Secure 2 status codes from banks (“tds_status_reason” parameter) with descriptions for clients in English in the YAML and SQL formats.

YAML Translation: espago_tds_status_reasons.yml
SQL Translation: espago_tds_status_reasons.sql

Rejection codes in EN are the only ones which are complete. In other languages, we support the most common codes, therefore we suggest preparing your app to display those in default languages (EN or PL).

link API response error messages

List of messages returned in each rejected query, in each element of the errors hash.


link Apple Pay

Domain verification file

For iframe integrations using iframe it is necessary to upload the Domain Verification File to your domain.

The file should be located under the path: /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.

If your domain is the file should be available for download with a GET request to

Sandbox: apple_pay_domain_verification_file_sndbx

Production: apple_pay_domain_verification_file_prod

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